
Superman on Smallville



Smallville is American television show about the superhero, Superman. The show, produced by Millar/Gough Ink, Tollin/Robbins Productions, DC Comics, and Warner Bros, first aired on October 16, 2001 and ended on May 13, 2011. The story revolves around Clark Kent, aka Superman navigating his life as a teenager in his hometown, Smallville. The first half of the show is mainly about Clark's school life, friends, and relationships (especially with his intial romantic interest Lana Lang).
Before the show was in production, Bruce Wayne, was the intial drama series that was proposed. Though this idea wasn't successful, it served as the inspiration for the concept of The Man of Steel's origin story.
When it first debuted, Smallville was a huge hit; the piolt alone having 8.4 million viewers! Over the entirety of the show (10 seasons), it roughly had 4.34 million viewers per episode. Season 2 was the show's highest one with 6.3 million views. Smallville is considered the longest-running science fiction North American series by episode count.