Structured content describes the relationship between content chucks in an organizational manner, it makes the relationship legible. However it doesn't describe the meaning of the content, this is what semantic html conveys. Semantic HTML describes the meaning of relationships between different elements on the page.
When working together, structured content and semantic HTML convey information hierarchy visually to the audience along with communicate information hierarchy and relationships visually to readers, and semantically to algorithms.
It's important to have both these attributes on a webpage so that it can easily describe the information to the viewers, the hierarchy of importance for elements on the page, along with Allowing algorithms understand the contents relationship to each other.
I think seeking the truth would be most successful for me because my inner critic tends to make me feel like an imposter, that I've gotten where I am from luck and not because of my skills. Looking at myself objectively, I can see why I would think that, but when I really think about all that's happened in my life and what I did together, I know that's not true. I think with this method of being able to challenge what my inner critic is saying and not just listening to them blindly really helps me understand what I truly have to offer, that I didn't get where I am solely by chance. This kind inner critic usually gets in my way of how I present myself and it can come across as if I actually don't deserve the positions/opportunities I have received. Using Seek the Truth, where I'm able to challenge this opinion really helps me diminish that voice and come across as more confident in myself and abilities.
Hyperbolic discounting is when you choose to be more rational regarding payoffs that force you to wait longer to accomplish. You choose to do what is easier to attain at the moment rather than in the long run. One method to counteract hyperbolic discounting is to make sure future-you doesn't sabotage, present-you. Present-you isn't facing those choices you have to make for your goal, but it can set up the scenario to ensure future-you doesn't sabotage and prevent you from reaching that goal.