Apple’s website does a great job of focusing on what the customer wants. Instead of overwhelming people with technical details, it highlights benefits like how long the battery lasts, how fast the device is, or how sleek it looks. Everything is simple, clear, and made to excite you about their products. This makes it easy for anyone, whether they’re tech-savvy or not, to feel like Apple is the right choice for them.
Apple's WebsiteDropbox’s homepage gets straight to the point. Right away, it tells you that it’s the best place to store and share your files. You don’t have to scroll or click around to figure out what Dropbox is all about. This makes it super easy for new users to quickly decide if they want to try it.
Dropbox's WebsiteNotion keeps things simple. When you first use it, it doesn’t try to show you everything all at once. Instead, it gives you small, easy-to-follow instructions with just enough info to get started. This keeps things from feeling overwhelming and lets you discover more features when you’re ready.
Notion's WebsiteAirbnb’s website makes it easy to take action. Buttons like “Reserve” or “Explore Homes” grab your attention and make it clear what to do next. The site also shows you prices upfront and lets you filter options, so you don’t waste time. This makes people feel confident and excited to book their trips.
Airbnb's Website